Our Next NPSG Event is Guest Speaker & Meeting
Thursday February 20th 2025 at 7:00pm
Swan Lake Nature House and on Zoom
Topic Focus: Rain Gardens
with Kyle Armstrong, Executive Director of Peninsula Streams and Shorelines

About Talk: Rain Gardens for Headwaters: Scaling up Community-led Green Stormwater Infrastructure on Southern Vancouver Island
Urban environments are designed to move rainwater off our roofs, roads, parking lots, and other impermeable surfaces as quickly as possible. In doing so, stormwater systems collect heat, pollutants, and speed, channeling concentrated flows into a growing network of pipes. As this altered water enters local streams and shorelines, it causes significant damage—eroding banks, degrading habitats, and posing major challenges to the health of our freshwater and coastal ecosystems.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) offers a transformative solution, shifting our urban landscapes from hard surfaces into living sponges that absorb, filter, and slow the flow of water. By embracing GSI, we can cool and clean stormwater, enhance urban biodiversity, and support the natural water cycle—building resilience in the face of climate change.
Join us to learn how Peninsula Streams and its partners are empowering communities to implement GSI solutions like rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable landscapes across Southern Vancouver Island. Discover how you can take part in restoring ecological balance—one rain garden at a time.
About Speaker: Kyle is a restoration ecologist (MSc) with over 10 years of experience working in our coastal and aquatic ecosystems. Kyle is a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) with the Society of Ecological Restoration’s professional association and in addition to coastal British Columbia, has worked in conservation in Kamchatka, South America, and Southern Africa. He is passionate about the restoration and enhancement of Social Ecological Systems through community-driven restoration and stewardship, research, and environmental education. Kyle is proud to be leading an amazing team of staff and volunteers at Peninsula Streams Society.
~In-Person and Online~
In Person Location: At the Swan Lake Nature House, 3873 Swan Lake Road -> Link to Map
Cost: Free event but donations gratefully accepted! Everyone welcome, and no need to RSVP.
What to Expect:
Event Timeline:
6:30-7:00 Volunteer Set up and socialize (anyone welcome to help for 3 free raffle tickets!)
7:00-7:20 Introductions & Welcome, Announcements, Question Jar
7:20-8:30 Presentation including Q&A
8:30-8:45 Tea & Cookies break
8:45-9:00 Plant Raffle!
Help with set up or bring cookies to share for 3 free raffle tickets!
Note: This talk will be recorded, and all speaker talks are shared to NPSG members. To become a member, visit npsg.ca $25 for the year.
What to bring:
- A mug for herbal tea or decaf coffee
- A friend if you want
- Some small change for cookies, tea, or raffle tickets
- Drop in admission is by donation (if possible), or $25 for your annual 2025 membership fee
- Native plant or native seeds if you have extra for the plant raffle
- A flashlight as the path is not well lit leading to the Nature House from the Parking Lot
Accessibility Notes:
The Nature House Building is on the ground/main floor and is wheelchair accessible up a concrete path with a slight incline. There are two accessible parking spots at the very end of Swan Lake Road here past the main parking lot, about 20 steps from the front door. The area is not well lit – flashlight or additional light is recommended. Washrooms are accessible inside the building. There is a HEPA filter air purifier we turn on during our meetings, masks are not required.
Territorial Acknowledgement:
The Native Plant Study Group respectfully acknowledges that we meet on the unceded territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ and Lekwungen Peoples. We are a garden group with a strong interest in gardening with native plants for their aesthetic, intrinsic, and conservation values. We gratefully recognize the longstanding stewards of these plants and ecosystems, as well as their cultural significance.
We encourage a safe and respectful space for everyone to learn along with us in our individual and collective pathways of decolonization.
Registration Information is also sent via the NPSG email newsletter. Please send us an email at nativeplantstudygroup@gmail.com if you have problems or questions.
Native Plant Study Group is on Zoom!
NPSG is still using Zoom to host our monthly talks, and we host in-person events as well. Meeting details will be sent out via the NPSG email newsletter. If you would like to become a member, please see our Membership Info.
Who We Are

The Native Plant Study Group respectfully acknowledges that we meet on the unceded territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ and Lekwungen Peoples. We are a garden group with a strong interest in gardening with native plants for their aesthetic, intrinsic, and conservation values. We gratefully recognize the longstanding stewards of these plants and ecosystems, as well as their cultural significance.
General meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month from September to May (except December) and feature a speaker, draw for native plants, and discussion.
Many thanks to our Sustaining Supporters!
These businesses provide discounts to our active card-holding members:
- Borden Mercantile
- Buckerfields
- Dig This
- Garden Works
- Satinflower Nurseries (formerly Saanich Native Plants Nursery)
Territorial Acknowledgement:
The Native Plant Study Group respectfully acknowledges that we meet on the unceded territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ and Lekwungen Peoples. We are a garden group with a strong interest in gardening with native plants for their aesthetic, intrinsic, and conservation values. We gratefully recognize the longstanding stewards of these plants and ecosystems, as well as their cultural significance.
We encourage a safe and respectful space for everyone to learn along with us in the process of decolonization.