Welcome to the Native Plant Study Group!

Next NPSG Event

Exploring the World of Native Seaweed

Thursday September 19 2024 at 7:00pm

at Swan Lake Nature House (with Plant Raffle!)

About the Talk and Speaker:
How Local Seaweeds Can Change the World with Amanda Swiminer

Marine biologist, seaweed harvester, author and educator Amanda Swinimer shares her knowledge and passion for seaweed in an evening presentation. Seaweed plays a critical ecological role in the health of our planet and has extraordinary nutritional and heath properties. Swinimer describes the ways in which seaweed nourishes and protects both people and the planet. She will also describe some local, edible seaweed species of the Pacific Northwest, their nutritional characteristics, their culinary uses and sustainable harvest techniques.

Amanda Swinimer, BSc Marine Biology
Author of The Science and Spirit of Seaweed and The Science and Superpowers of Seaweed: A Guide for Kids
Owner/Operator at Dakini Tidal Wilds…wild-crafted seaweed from the Pacific NW. Website: www.dakinitidalwilds.com


[In-Person] Swan Lake Nature House, 3873 Swan Lake Road, Saanich

[Online] Zoom REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpd-qhpz8qH9FrAenqpHaTfJui9H7rHdP0#/registration

Event Timeline:
6:30-7:00 Volunteer Set up and socialize (anyone welcome to help for 3 free raffle tickets!)
7:00-7:15 Introductions & Welcome
7:20-8:20 Presentation including Q&A
8:20-8:30 Tea & Cookies break
8:30-8:45 NPSG Announcements, Upcoming Events, Question Jar
8:45-9:00 Plant Raffle!

Help with set up or bring cookies to share for 3 free raffle tickets!

Note: This talk will be recorded, and all speaker talks are shared to confirmed NPSG members.

RSVP link will also be sent via the NPSG email newsletter. Please send us an email at nativeplantstudygroup@gmail.com if you have problems or questions.

Territorial Acknowledgement:

The Native Plant Study Group respectfully acknowledges that we meet on the unceded territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ and Lekwungen Peoples. We are a garden group with a strong interest in gardening with native plants for their aesthetic, intrinsic, and conservation values. We gratefully recognize the longstanding stewards of these plants and ecosystems, as well as their cultural significance.

We encourage a safe and respectful space for everyone to learn along with us in the pathway of decolonization.

Native Plant Study Group is on Zoom!

NPSG is still using Zoom to host our monthly talks, and we host in-person events as well. Meeting details will be sent out via the NPSG email newsletter. If you would like to become a member, please see our Membership Info.

> Sign up for the NPSG email newsletter

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Who We Are

The Native Plant Study Group is dedicated to learning about the native plants of British Columbia as wild populations and in garden settings, while promoting their use and conservation. Our diverse membership ranges from biologists to hobby gardeners, from horticulturists to plant enthusiasts.
General meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month from September to May (except December) and feature a speaker, draw for native plants, and discussion.

NPSG Brochure

Many thanks to our Sustaining Supporters!

These businesses provide discounts to our active members:

Territorial Acknowledgement:

The Native Plant Study Group respectfully acknowledges that we meet on the unceded territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ and Lekwungen Peoples. We are a garden group with a strong interest in gardening with native plants for their aesthetic, intrinsic, and conservation values. We gratefully recognize the longstanding stewards of these plants and ecosystems, as well as their cultural significance.

We encourage a safe and respectful space for everyone to learn along with us in the process of decolonization.